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Travel Tips: Driving with kids and pets



Whether you’re planning on a short trip to your hometown or a long vacation to the beach, driving with kids and pets require a lot of patience and tolerance because they will demand a lot of your time and attention. If you are a first time parent, brace yourself for a ‘zero-sleep’ journey because it’s not going to be a very pleasant one. But don’t panic just yet because we’ve got some survival travel tips that you’ll find handy, especially when travelling with your little ones.

1. Bring home on the road

Just because you’re leaving home doesn’t mean you can leave the basics behind. Try to recreate a familiar environment for your child by bringing along their favorite toys and other necessities like snacks and their favorite blanket. If your kids are into gadgets, you can download suitable apps to keep him/her entertained on the road.


2. Give them a VIP cabin
It is a known fact that kids have a very short attention span and they can’t stay put for a long time. Your kid will probably demand for that endless peek-a-boo and beg you to play with him or her and if you are travelling with a dog, they might enjoy bouncing around the seats. There’s a lot of stimulation for your canine friend on the road, so drivers should err on the side of caution. Keep your dog safe in a well-ventilated crate or pet-carrier, or restrained with a pet safety belt properly attached to their harness.

On the other hand, make sure you have your children secured in a child seat and with the seat belt on to avoid unnecessary injuries, especially when the vehicle makes a sudden stop. A child seat can absorb some of the impact force and provide some protection from objects intruding into the passenger compartment.

3. Keep your little ones out of the cockpit
Sometimes your kids desire for more attention and will want to be seated on your lap whilst driving. It’s important to keep your kids off your lap and out of the front seat, as this can cause a distraction to the driver and even hurt your child if it’s unrestrained during sudden movements.

Source: http://www.mnn.com/sites/default/files/editorial/travel-with-dog.jpg

4. Don’t bail on your little ones
We all know the feeling of getting into our car after it’s been baking in the sun. Leaving your children or pet in a car while you run errands can pose serious risks for your child’s and pet’s health and safety – plus, it’s not nice at all! If you have to leave your pet in the car for a few minutes, make sure it has proper ventilation and some water to stay cool.

5. Making pit-stops
Whilst on the road, make sure you keep everyone hydrated, but not too much because you don’t want to be making a potty stop every 30 minutes because you’ll be losing your estimated time arrival and it’s not good for your fuel budget either.

6. Stay on the digestive track
Remember to bring snacks for your kids like raisins, fruit mix, juice boxes, etc. Not only do you save money by not buying snacks, you also have another distraction at your disposal.. If you’re bringing a dog along your journey, take it for a walk before you leave so it won’t be too restless throughout the journey. On long trips, prepare simple meals to avoid purchasing unhealthy foods at the rest stop along the road.


7. Pick the right time to travel
Start your journey just after lunch time because your kids will most likely doze off after their afternoon meal. You can also travel at night for less stress because you can get the kids into pajamas and if you throw them pillows, and blankets, chances are that they will soon fall asleep.

8. Keep calm and enjoy your trip
Frankly speaking, no matter how prepared and organized you are as a parent, nobody can predict how your child behaves throughout the entire journey. Traveling with kids and pets is not going to be an easy-breezy experience, but you can always keep calm and control the situation as best you can. It might not be the same experience as traveling solo or with your spouse, but hey, life would be boring without any challenges and hurdles along the road right? If you are willing to embrace the situation, be well prepared and take control, everyone can have a good time so keep calm and have a great trip!

Source: Ford, Vroomgirls

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