In “Back to the Future II,” Marty McFly travels to October 21, 2015, and in celebration of this, automakers have been releasing teasers of their future vehicles. Mercedes-Benz came up with their own showcasing its “Luxury in Motion” F 015 concept.
In a series of videos below, Mercedes pays tribute to some of the more memorable scenes from the iconic movie, like the hoverboard, the autonomous dog-walkers and an actual time machines. Each short clip ends with this message, “Thanks for inspiring our engineers, Doc.”
Besides Mercedes-Benz, Toyota has also released a number of videos in anticipation for “Back to the Future” Day, as well as the company’s official sales date of its Mirai hydrogen fuel cell vehicle in the U.S. You can watch them here or click on the YouTube link below to watch Mercedes-Benz’s ‘Back to the Future’ Day with F 015 videos:
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