Hang on. A thumbs-up for getting rear-ended? He probably isn’t praising (or shall we say mocking) the Toyota driver, at least that is what I thought; he was probably telling the driver that he is fine or perhaps he is good, not hurt, whatever. But it was the way the biker kept his cool that impressed us…
Apparently, the collision happened with a third car behind him which caused the 4 (including the motorcycle) vehicle pile-up.
As Matthew Sant, the motorcyclist, wrote on the YouTube’s video:
“Travelling along Canberra Avenue toward the city in an 80 km/h zone. Traffic had backed up ahead and come to a stop. As I came to a stop I checked my mirror and moved to the right of the road in case the car behind wasn’t paying attention. I saw him come to a stop and relaxed, looking away. The next thing I knew I was looking at the sky – was the guy three cars back that didn’t stop.”
The scene was captured on a helmet camera in Canberra, Australia. The video had garnered over half a million views within a week’s time, and currently has been viewed over a million times. Right after Matthew Sant was rear-ended and was on his feet again, he gave the thumbs up and walked over to the Toyota driver and introduced himself.
This leads me to bring up this topic; whether you’re a driver or motorcyclist, have a dashcam (or helmet camera) installed and I do hope more of us locally would be as cool as this motorcyclist. Kudos Matt for being so cool! Check out the video below….
Contributed to AF by Jeff Ng
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