When Apple jumped the gun and launched CarPlay, much was to be said about Google’s Open Automotive Alliance. Actually, it was more of what wasn’t said and that meant there wasn’t any news about this initiative. Android fans have been kept in the dark and probably there has been some sort of work going on in the background especially since Apple launched CarPlay first.
Now the rumour mill has been in full works and the latest is that Google will finally unveil their new in-car operating system during their upcoming I/O conference which will be held in San Francisco on the 25th and 26th of June 2014.
The Open Automotive Alliance is an alliance between both carmakers Audi, GM, Honda, Hyundai and technology giants such as Google and Nvidia.
What might be revealed is a system where it projects the contents of an Android powered phone and that the standard controls of a vehicle is able to control the phone as well. This would mean those little buttons on your steering wheel and dashboard will control the phone. We have seen similar technology through the means of 3rd party suppliers but having these features available as an OEM standard would be extremely beneficial to a lot of consumers.
Source: Automotive News
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