4x4, News, Safety Volvo Says the new XC90 is Clean Volvo Cars’ all-new XC90 will offer an unrivalled combination of power and clean operation when it is launched later this…
Car Clubs, CSR, Events, News, Safety Advanced Driving Review: Nasim’s inaugural Peugeot Driving Performance The problem with modern cars is that despite being equipped with safety features that resemble alphabet soup, some drivers don’t have…
News, Opinion Pieces, Safety Large MPV drivers: Guilty before being proven Innocent? (Photos courtesy of Daily Traffic Reports: https://www.facebook.com/DailyTrafficReports) So the local motoring community was shaken to its foundations yet again over…
News, Safety Toyota to Hold Children’s Traffic Safety Events at Fuji Speedway Safety Education Center As part of their safety campaign, Toyota Motor Corporation announced that it will hold traffic safety events for children in…