Works Minister Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof announced that Malaysia would employ the Safety Rolling Barrier system along roads that are frequently exposed to accidents.
The product known as “roller system” and manufactured by the ETI company from South Korea have already been installed at certain roads around Subang in a two-year pilot project.
“The government is always looking at the latest technologies that can ensure safety of road users, as outlined in the Construction Industry Transformation Plan,” said Fadillah.
In another development, Fadillah said the ministry had directed its engineers to monitor the condition of roads affected by the high-tide phenomenon.
“They will monitor and provide assistance in any way aside from alerting road users to use alternative routes,” he said.
Certain states in the west coast of the peninsula have begun to feel the effect of the high-tides which started on Saturday morning, with two flood evacuation centres opened in Klang and Sabak Bernam, Selangor to cope with any possible outcome.
Source: The Sun Daily
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