To celebrate the legendary video game character, “Sonic the Hedgehog,” SEGA has collaborated with Honda to create a one-of-a-kind Sonic Civic, as the beloved game commemorates its 25th year. It made its official debut at the San Diego Comic-Con.
The Sonic Civic embodies the spirit of the “Sonic The Hedgehog” classic video game, whose main character Sonic, and Sonic’s world, is featured on and throughout the modified vehicle.
Based on a turbocharged 2016 Civic Touring Sedan, the Sonic Civic feature custom wheels and tyres representing Sonic’s infamous red shoes and gold rings featured in the game.
It also comes with a vinyl Sonic the Hedgehog design and bespoke paint scheme which includes a Sonic Black Grill, BASF R-M Candy Sonic Blue painted exterior with custom Sonic Yellow throughout including a Sonic Yellow Honda logo.
The Sonic the Hedgehog theme continues inside the cabin with Katzkin Blue Leather and custom “Sonic the Hedgehog” 25th Anniversary embroidered logos found on front and rear seats.
On top of that, the Sonic Civic comes with custom trunk design with Rockford Fosgate audio-visual system featuring two 500-watt T1S2 10-inch subwoofers, two 500-watt TM400 400-watt amplifiers, and a floor-mounted flip-up/down 32-inch television for video game fans to play classic “Sonic the Hedgehog” games.
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