
Nissan’s latest PSA commercial will melt your heart! [+video]

Nissa PSA Ad

Did you know that you can save a cat’s life by knocking on your car’s hood before driving? Nissan Japan has released an adorable public service announcement advocating safety for our feline friends in the winter or  during rainy seasons too.

In the cold of winter, and sometimes when it rains, some cats try to keep themselves warm and dry by hiding under car hoods. However, this may lead to a tragic outcome if you start a car without checking.

“Knock Knock Cats” is a technique that encourage motorists to knock on their vehicle hood before leaving to make sure a kitty isn’t asleep under the hood.

If you live in an area where you know there are outdoor cats or stray cats around, it only takes a moment to knock on your vehicle to make sure they’re safe. It only requires little effort but it can save the lives of cats!

Don’t forget to watch the #KnockKnockCats video below!


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