Update: BHP will officially sell the fuel tomorrow after the official launch
The wait is finally over, BHP has delivered and is making the Euro 5 diesel available in Klang Valley. This is definitely a plus point for them as most newer diesel cars can definitely benefit from using Euro 5 diesels. Check out below for more information on where these stations will be located within Klang Valley and plan your journey.
The first one to have Euro 5 would be the BHP station after the Sg Besi toll heading southbound (I shall be attempting to head over there in a couple of minutes to see if it is available).
Further that, more stations such as the ones at Subang, Setapak and Desa Melawati will get theirs on the 10th of August and finally rolling out to 5 more stations all by the 13th of August.
Of course BHP would put a caveat that these are expected dates and is subject to changes but I do hope at least the station at Taman Tun Dr Ismail or the one at Kampung Kayu Ara might also get their Euro 5 supply.
Right after writing this post, I was a little eager to check it out for myself. So I took a quick drive towards BHP at Sg Besi. Now this is the BHP station directly right after the Sg Besi toll heading southbound located on the left.
Upon arrival I was welcomed by the blue labels on the handles signifying that it is for Euro 5 diesel as per my experience pumping at BHP in Pagoh, Johor.
Tents were all set up, probably for an official launch tomorrow. Looks like it is going to be a happening shindig.
Upon closer inspection I noticed something tied at the handles. It was cable ties. After a quick chat with the attendant, they were allowed to sell it until tomorrow after the launch.
Oh well, looks like I have to pump a little bit of diesel first before returning tomorrow to fill up my tank.
Check out BHP’s website for the latest update.
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