Perodua, via its authorised dealer, Gamma Automobile Sdn Bhd has launched its latest 3S (Sales, Service and Spare Parts) outlet in Sri Aman, Sarawak as part of its plan to further improve the compact carmaker’s network coverage nationwide.
“Sri Aman has the potential for growth and we believe that Gamma Automobile is the right partner to further grow Perodua’s presence here in Sarawak,” Perodua President & CEO, Datuk Aminar Rashid Salleh said during the opening ceremony.
“Perodua sees a lot of growth potential in East Malaysia and we are delighted to be working with Gamma Automobile to further improving our coverage in order to better serve our customers,” he said.
Moving forward, Aminar believes that there is good potential for growth in East Malaysia in general as both the federal, Sarawak and Sabah state governments continue to develop as well as invest in infrastructure such as roads and bridges.
He said that expectation is based on the government’s 5-year roadmap outlined in the 11th Malaysia Plan announced on 21st May by the Prime Minister.
“With this growth, we plan to increase our East Malaysia contribution towards our total sales to 20% from the current 13% in 5 years’ time,” Aminar said.
According to Perodua, Gamma Automobile is an authorised Perodua 3S dealer since 1994 and has been successful in growing their business in the state. In 2014, Gamma Automobile sold 3,500 units and saw 13,100 intakes coming to its service workshop from its 3S centre located in Kuching.
Gamma Automobile business in Kuching includes sales, spare parts and service operations and currently has 78 staff under its employment. The 3S Centre is located at No. 8, Jalan Tun Jugah, 93300, Sri Aman, Sarawak.
For more info, visit www.perodua.com.my.
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