Yes, the Hari Raya festive season is just around the corner yet again, and in typical fashion the countdown to the ‘balik kampung’ exodus looms ever closer. But before you embark on your journey, spare a thought for your car, and more importantly, its tyres…

Knowing that Malaysians are going to be hitting the road in droves soon, Continental Tyre (M) Sdn. Bhd, in partnership with Shell and JKJR (Jabatan Keselamatan Jalan Raya) introduced the ‘Hari Raya Tyre Safety Check’ Campaign today, which runs from 5th June to 5th July 2015. Checks will be available from 12noon to 6pm, Friday to Sunday.

It’s a free service for passenger cars, MPVs and SUVs that will be conducted at various Shell stations nationwide, in which Conti’s team of tyre experts will evaluate your cars’ tyres and suggest the requisite attention needed, if any (see chart below for locations and dates)
Should your tyres be deemed in need of replacing or fixing, the venues of the safety campaign are strategically located near one of Continental’s ‘Best Drive’ tyre outlets (see more dates and locations below)
At one or any of these outlets, you can opt to swap your worn tyres for new ones like the Dunlop Formula D05 & SP Sport J5 ,which they launched recently. In addition, those who participate in the campaign will also be given a RM50/- discount voucher (per tyre) to be used toward the purchase of new ones at any Continental Best Drive outlet.
So do drop by to check your tyres out folks, remember they’re the only link you have with the road!
Other posts by Chris Wee