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Toyota Mirai fueled by… cow manure, no really! [+video]


We’ve heard some crazy sh*t about how hydrogen can be produced to power the Toyota Mirai fuel-cell vehicle.  It can be manufactured from many renewable energy sources like solar, wind and biogas from landfills. These production methods can result in a domestic and locally sourced fuel that powers the Mirai while emitting only water vapor from the tailpipe.

Sounds too good to be true? In their latest video, Toyota has tapped award-winning documentary filmmaker Morgan Spurlock to show how calling hydrogen fuel cell vehicles “bullsh*t” isn’t far from the truth.

“Fueled by Bullsh*t” is the first online video in a multi-part “Fueled by Everything” series aimed to educate people about the innovative ways hydrogen fuel can be made from renewable sources. Spurlock directed the 3-minute piece which features a dairy farmer and mechanical engineer as they follow cow manure from a mooing supply source to its ultimate use in powering the hydrogen fuel cell electric Toyota Mirai.

“This project gave us the opportunity to dive into a world that most people don’t understand but has the potential to change our world,” said Spurlock. “Witnessing manure, something most of us view as being pretty disposable, being transformed into hydrogen fuel to power a car was pretty remarkable. I think this short film is pretty compelling evidence of what could be possible in the years ahead.”

Have a look at the video below and remember that sometimes, reality stinks…literally!

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