Reuters had recently carried a report that the boffins over at Apple are currently in the midst of studying self driving cars. While this technology isn’t new and Apple’s competitor, Google, has already been studying and prototyping self driving cars, Apple seems to be taking that same similar step.
According to the report, sources mention that although Apple may have been in discussions with senior executives from car makers, it also did say that Apple being Apple, aren’t really listening to what their counterparts have been saying. I guess this is just Apple being Apple and trying to be a disruptive force in the auto market.
A report carried out by the Wall Street Journal stated that a lab was created last year to research on the creation of electric self driving car and even went as far as stating the name of the project, which is called “Titan”.
Of course Apple has declined to comment with the only mention that Apple is constantly researching new things and there are many projects which get scraped.
Still it is rather exciting to see newer and larger tech companies starting to disrupt older industries dominated by manufacturers who have been in the business for decades.
I believe that an evolution in the automotive industry would be soon reaching within the next 5 or so years.
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