We all have been through traffic jams. Be it going to work, or coming home from work. Getting stuck in a traffic jam is practically normal for those staying and working in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. It doesn’t matter if you work in Petaling Jaya, Subang Jaya or even at USJ, there will be a traffic jam somehow. We all dread crawling through traffic jams (No really, we really do). Now let’s see how we can kill some time while being stuck in a traffic jam somewhere.
1. Radio
Yeah, turn on your tunes! Doesn’t matter if you’re listening to the radio, or tunes from your USB drive, its still tunes. Sing along while you’re at it. No one can hear you. You can try any type of music genre, be it classic songs, trance, Chinese jazz or rock songs. Bonus points if your radio station allows you to dedicate a song to that someone special.
2. Interaction
For most part, we all travel on our own. The government may have tried to encourage us to carpool, but well, that didn’t work out too well. We are guessing that majority of drivers prefers to enjoy their own personal space. So, if you’re stuck in a jam, alone, what other better things to do than to interact with other drivers? Smile at the other drivers, or even stare at the sky and see who does the same! But please, don’t hold up traffic while doing so.
3. Numbers
By numbers, we dont mean necessarily mean sudoku (You can try), but what we meant was that you can try rating other drivers’ car. Try to rate and see, out of a perfect ten, how well does the other driver take care of their cars. Alternatively, you can also rate the drivers themselves. A word of caution though, for the guys, try not to stare at the fairer sex too much. Interaction not your thing? Well, you can always count the seconds you’ve spend at a certain spot. If you’re a mathematics junkie, look at the number plate ahead of you and do some maths.
4. Exercise

Traffic jams may be a waste of time, but it does not mean that you shouldn’t be productive. Well, you can also exercise in your car. You can try some neck stretching exercise in your car, after a long hard day at work. Done with the neck exercise? Then move on to the arm stretching exercise. Although these small exercise won’t turn you into a bodybuilder any time soon, it will keep you a bit more healthier in the long run.
5. Games
This video speaks for itself. Wouldn’t it be cool if Malaysians were a bit more sporting? This however can be rather dangerous, knowing that our local motorcyclists have a tendency to weave through traffic jams, and potentially breaking your arm in the process.
Hopefully this list can keep you preoccupied in your daily traffic jam commute. But please remember, don’t use your phone while driving, be it browsing Facebook, Instagram, selfie or calling someone. It’s wrong, and it’s dangerous. We’ll touch on that topic soon enough.
Do you think we might have missed out anything? Drop us a comment below.
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