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Sunday Musings – What To Do When You See This Happening [+video]

New Fiesta ST preview at Asia Klasika
The Fiesta has nothing to do with this article but I kind of like it

I just realised that a couple of months ago marked my 10th year anniversary in the working world. Yes, I graduated from university and started working and for many of those who might ask me what exactly is it that I do, I spent most of my career as a Business and Systems Integration consultant at a global consulting firm. Now that name itself sparks questions and if you search online on how consultants explain their jobs to their grandparents, it is like the most impossible thing to do.

Little did anyone know, I started out in my career as an R&D electronics engineer. I was based at JVC which you might not notice now as you would see less and less JVC related products off the shelves at Best Denki. Yes, Japan Victor Company, the little company which build TV’s, radios, VCR’s (google it and find out what we had to bear with before the days of VCD and DVD) and video cameras! Owned by Matsushita (which also owns Panasonic), I was placed at the R&D centre at Shah Alam working in the camera section of the video camcorder.

So I spent more than a year tinkering with video cameras and camcorders.

Gone are the days of the portable camcorders because everyone now captures videos with their phones. And thanks to that, we get a whole slew of home made videos posted on YouTube.

Such as the one below it (the real incident starts from 2:20 into the video)

Now, thanks to technology we get to view it first hand how accidents like this happen and learn from it. In the event we are faced with dangerous drivers on the road, we can be as cautious as we can be but external circumstances can still affect us like in the case of the guys who were filming it.

I have seen really crazy and reckless drivers on the road, especially those who are rushing for dear life (the way they were rushing seemed to be putting their life and other people’s lives in danger) and those whose ego seems to be behind the wheel. If I see these sort, I tend to stay far far away from them. If I can overtake them and leave them behind I would try but most of the time, I would just ease off and let them head in front.

What would you do if you were in this situation?

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