Classics, News

Classic Fords shine in Ipoh!


I was asked a very interesting question the other day; “what makes a car a classic?”. Why this is piqued my interest is because not too long ago a good friend of mine made a profound statement. He said “not all old cars are classics bro, some are just that, old.”


Well, in some ways he’s right, but then again, who’s to say what a ‘classic’ really is? Of course there are certified, bona-fide classic cars out there for sure, but 20-30 years ago, who would have thought that (then) regular Ford cars would become classic collectibles like these?


Over the past weekend, the BCFOC or British Classic Ford Owners Club of Malaysia held a gathering in Ipoh of some truly remarkable classic Fords at the TESCO Extra. Some participants drove their beloved Fords from as far away as the east coast, KL and Penang to be part of this historic event, which was last held in 2007.


It was very obvious to all who witnessed this unique gathering of classic Fords, that these owners truly cherish their cars, some of which look like they’d just rolled off the factory floor. Some visitors who showed up in other makes of ‘old skool’ cars were also given a special place to park, however, it was definitely a ‘Ford’ day.


So what makes for a classic? Just have a look at these for the answer to that.

Photos courtesy of Derick & Aaron Tan

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