Ever wanted the cleaning power of Caltex Techron in one bottle? Well, now you can have just that with the launch of Techron Concentrate Plus (TCP). Specially formulated to clean the fuel-injectors or carburettors of cars, combustion chamber and intake valves, TCP comes in an easy-to-use bottle and should be used once every 5,000km. TCP is especially beneficial for older cars and classics, and works for both fuel-injection and carburettor cars (petrol driven, not diesel)
Simply pour one 355ml bottle of TCP into an ‘almost-empty’ petrol tank, and then fill-up your car (preferably with Caltex unleaded) and let TCP do the rest. Lab tested, the cleaning effects of TCP can be felt after just one use. Where in the past it took about 5 full tanks of Caltex Techron unleaded to clean an engine, this can be achieved now with just one tankful by adding TCP to the mix. The 5-Star benefits of TCP can be seen in the photo below:
But how do you know the TCP really does clean your engine? It’s not like you can open up your engine as easily as a Tupperware now is it. And you can’t ‘see’ into your engine…or can you? With a ‘boroscope‘ you can. A boroscope has a tiny camera at the end of a flexible cord that can actually be inserted into an engine while it’s running to view first-hand the condition of the intake valves.
A test was conducted on 4 relatively new family sedans and after just one 355ml dose of TCP, the boroscope showed that the valves registered an average 2-point improvement in cleanliness (from 8.1 to 9.9 – 1 being worst, 10 being best). This test was conducted first in China, and then in Thailand last year.
TCP retails for RM45 per bottle, but from now till Aug 31st, during its promotional period, TCP will retail for an introductory price of just RM35 per bottle, and will be available at selected Caltex stations nationwide from 15th July onwards. There is a possibility that TCP will be introduced in a smaller pack specifically for motorcycles in the near future. For more info log on to www.caltex.com/my
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