More than a decade ago, BMW created a viral series of films directed and produced by A-list producers from Hollywood. It created a lot of stir and it was masterfully crafted out. Starring Clive Owen and having big names such as Guy Ritchie, Ang Lee and John Woo behind these films, according to a report by Adage, BMW is set to make a return.
I for one am excited about it, I loved the previous short films starting with the 8-series “The Hire” which ran from 2001 to 2002. The films showcased both a plot, the car and the action which I absolutely loved.
These films never did make it to the silver screen but it was more favoured for the internet. With more and more people having access to the net these days, these films are primed for a comeback. Featuring the Z4 in the previous films, BMW now has a wider range of cars, I would love the M series to be featured in a series as well as BMW’s latest “i” series cars.
My fingers are crossed as I do hope that it goes through.
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