Paul Walker, Hollywood actor and star of the Fast and Furious series, was killed on a horrific road accident in Santa Clarita, California. The 40 year old actor was believed riding as a passenger on a Porsche Carrera GT on a charity event when the car collided with a pole and burst into flames. Tragically Walker and the driver, Roger Rodas, were both pronounced dead at the scene.
The aftermath of the horrific accident as shown as below. As what the pictures has shown, there’s zero chance of survival.
We are not making this up as the world has just received confirmation from his social media site.
His death was reported earlier that has caused confusion on but no one confirmed until his management did so in social media. Paul Walker, those role as Brian O’Conner in the Fast and Furious movie franchise, that has made him a recognizable icon worldwide. His next movie, the Fast and Furious 7, was scheduled to release by 2014.
Until then, our condolences to his family and friends. He will be terribly missed.
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