While crash does seem quite bad at times, it wasn’t in this case. A lady claimed that an Uber self-driving car crashed into her car whilst she was driving in Pittsburg. At the time of the crash, the Uber self-driving car had an engineer in the car. Up till now, both parties are in dispute over the accident.
The case involved two cars at a 4-lane intersection where both parties argued that they gave their signal and before it you know it, both got into a minor fender-bender. Both parties claim that they were in the right with the signal lights turned on but in the case of the Uber safety engineer, he admitted that the self-driving car was in control at that time.
Ms McLemore who was driving the small sedan at the time was fetching her 3 children and her sister when the incident occurred as reported by WPXI news. When speaking to Ars Technica, Ms McLemore hasn’t heard back from Uber nor hear anything about whether she would be getting compensation to repair her car.
The case proves interesting because as more and more companies start experimenting and testing with self-driving cars, the law as well as insurance hasn’t been updated enough to cater for new technologies. Many critics have already lambasted self-driving cars claiming that the AI’s erratic behaviour is what caused the crash. In this case, it is difficult to figure out which part was in the wrong.
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