There comes a point when the supply can’t meet demand and that is exactly what is happening at Tesla’s Supercharger stations. Overcrowding and too many people abusing it have caused a lot of discomfort for customers. Tesla started implementing certain policies such as charging for the use of the Supercharger as well as extra chargers if users leave their cars long after it has been charged.
Good and all but it still doesn’t resolve the overcrowding issues. Tesla is still trying to expand the Supercharger stations as much as they can. In its latest policy change, Tesla is stating that you can’t use the Supercharger stations if you use your Tesla for any of these reasons.
- as a taxi;
- for ridesourcing or ridesharing (through Uber, Lyft or similar services);
- to commercially deliver or transport goods;
- for government purposes; or
- for any other commercial venture.

Sounds pretty harsh but Tesla aims to change your charging behaviours as the Supercharger stations are not meant to be a replacement for your home or workplace but rather for people who are traveling long distances and require a quick charge in between stops.
Over time, Tesla is aiming to at least open more than 10,000 by the end of this year and to continuously expand their network.
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