Renault Sweden released a rather interesting video which showcases three athletes who are attempting a Swedish Classic Circuit called the En Svensk Klassiker which challenges them to compete in four races across sports like cross-country running, cross-country skiing, swimming and cycling within a period of 12 months. That sounds extremely mentally challenging and Renault believes that they can help them train using the Renault Kadjar SUV.
Renault created an experiment where all three of the athletes would control a Renault Kadjar SUV using only their brain! Talk about mind control. The SUV uses Emotiv electroencephalography (EEG) headsets in order to interpret the drivers’ brain waves all at once! One person controls turning left, one for turning right and lastly the third to manage acceleration.
By connecting the car to three EEG sensors, Renault could translate brain waves to gas or brake using two linear servants. Through a DC engine that steered the steering wheel, participants could also control the car either right or left. Participants were given the opportunity to activate an inner command through the power of their own willpower. When the participant in charge of speed was concentrating, it was translated into a car that started to gas.
Of course, they get to test it out first on a simulator which did not end very well. In order to minimise issues, Renault also equipped the SUV with a stop button for emergencies.
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