Elon Musk launched the Tesla Model 3 at the end of July and since then he has been saying that the production capacity for the Model 3 would rise exponentially to meet demand. So far, Tesla has only managed to produce 260 cars since July. This is a far cry from the 5,000 units per week that they had projected at the end of the year.
The low number of delivery for the Model 3 does show one thing, manufacturing cars is no easy feat. There has to be some bottlenecks or delays on certain areas or it could be due to quality issues that Tesla isn’t satisfied with. Elon Musk is definitely kept busy trying to solve these issues in order to deliver at least 50,000 cars by next year.
“It is important to emphasize that there are no fundamental issues with the Model 3 production or supply chain,” said Tesla in a statement. “We understand what needs to be fixed and we are confident of addressing the manufacturing bottleneck issues in the near-term.”
Aside from that, delivery of the Model S and Model X actually exceeded expectations and was the highest in the third quarter. Compared to last year, production exceeded by 4.5%. Tesla is definitely trying to meet their customer’s expectation especially those who have already pre-ordered the Model 3.
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