
Jeremy Clarkson hospitalised

After Richard Hammond was hospitalised after he crashed whilst filming the second season of The Grand Tour, this time, it is Jeremy Clarkson who is hospitalised. Not for a crash, thank goodness, but rather pneumonia. He seems to be in good spirits as he has been posting on social media, such like the post below in Instagram.

Not the sort of bangles I usually choose on holiday

A post shared by Jeremy Clarkson (@jeremyclarkson1) on

This is the second delay in filming for The Grand Tour, possibly. Jeremy Clarkson was hospitalised last Friday and was vacationing in Majorca when it happened. At the moment, it still isn’t exactly clear whether the second season of The Grand Tour will be delayed but the show is due to start again in October.

I for one, pray for Jeremy’s speedy recovery and also hope that the show will continue as scheduled.



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