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PSA: Drivers Please Take A Chill Pill Will Ya…

These photos have been circulating on social media, and it leaves very little to the imagination… In what apparently became a “death before giving-way” situation, the result is what you can see here. If I were to hazard a guess (duh), I’d say one of those guys up there tried to squeeze in ahead of the other at the Smart Tag Lane (ironic isn’t it?… Smart?) and whoa boy, the other would sooner have his teeth removed with pliers and no anesthetic before letting that happen!

So, this game of automotive ‘chicken’ all boils down to one thing then doesn’t it? Ego. And because of that ego, instead of losing 20sec to give way, it’s a whole day lost making police reports and dealing with (shudder) insurance companies. Not to mention the time lost getting the vehicles fixed later.

Folks, we’re all in this together. We all have the right to use the roads, and sometimes it means having to swallow your pride and just giving-way. It’s not that difficult. With Hari Raya just around the corner, I’m sure these two drivers would love to turn back the clock if they could. One silly decision fuelled by ego, followed by a month or more of hassle at least. Seriously…was it worth it? Rhetorical question.

Be cool on the road, never let your ego take a dominant role when driving, because when that happens, your brains take a backseat.  – Chris Wee.

(Images from Facebook, courtesy of Roger Chia @ RC Motor)

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