Eco, News, Safety

Apple CarPlay will stop notifications because you keep getting distracted

Apple CarPlay in iOS 11

Earlier this morning, Apple held their WorldWide Developers Conference for this year and one of the items updated would be the next version of iOS, the operating system which powers our iPhones and iPads. These little devices have been essential in the lives of many people and its become sort of a bane in the eyes of some. For example, people are now getting distracted not just during dinner but also while they are driving. Apple, the maker of these operating systems and also CarPlay has announced that the new version would detect when you are driving and stop showing notifications to drivers.

Now that is truly great. The best part is that it will automatically notify others that you are currently driving.

The only issue is that how will that affect third party applications? Will it inform users on WhatsApp or other chat apps as well as calls from those apps as well?

Another feature which Apple has updated is with their Maps app which now includes the speed in which you are travelling as well as lane guidance. This is one feature much needed especially here in Malaysia where lanes and roads are built rather ad hoc, causing great confusion and also danger (idiot drivers who miss a turn off who decide to reverse back in the opposite direction!). But the sad fact is that Apple Maps data in Malaysia is still utterly rubbish which makes Malaysia one of the highest Waze user groups in the world.

I can only wish that perhaps one day, that Apple Maps can be improved further in Malaysia.

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