South Korea plans to build K-City in October this year. The plan is to make it the world’s largest test bed for self-driving cars where developers and automakers can test their technology through various scenarios and road environments here at K-City.
Korea is no stranger to the world of self-driving vehicles. Since last year, the government has allowed trials for self-driving operations across the country. K-City is specifically targeted to assist automakers and developers to test in a self-contained area the size of a city. So far the companies who have been testing or expected to test includes the conglomerates like SK Telecom, Naver, Samsung, Hyundai and Kia.
In a report by Business Korea, K-City is currently under construction and it is approximately 360,000 square meters in size. Specialised areas such as bus-only lanes, expressways, autonomous parking and others are slated to be included in the plans. Overall, the entire facility should be ready by the first half of 2018. Also in the report, it is stated that testing in this location doesn’t require a permit.
It is definitely a great plan to get more local companies to be part of the test and perhaps it is something that Malaysia should also look into. Best to also have simulations from horrible drivers who tailgate, drive very closely to a self-driving vehicle and other scenario one might find common on Malaysian roads.
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