Autonomous Self Driving, News

Germany joins the self-driving car bandwagon

For a country which prides itself as being the forefront of car manufacturing and technology, Germany is a little late in the game when it comes to self-driving cars. The good news is that the likes of BMW, Mercedes-Benz and other makers don’t have to bring their cars and technology to the USA to test. The not so good news is that they have to meet all of the requirements set by the German lawmakers.

One of the key requirement is that a person has to be behind the wheel all the time. While that may not be surprising, it does take time for vehicles and technology to start gaining more “experience” as compared to Google’s efforts or now known as Waymo who has more than thousands upon thousands of mileage and data from their self-driving car tests.

Still, there is a possibility that Volkswagen, BMW and Mercedes might still continue their driverless self-driving cars in the US whilst focusing on other tests in Germany.

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