Have you ever had people who knew you were into cars but get it completely and totally wrong? If you have faced that scenario plenty of times, I for one would show them the video below.
The most crucial part of the video is the part about hogging the middle lane. That in itself is a huge pain for many Malaysian motorists. Take the newly extended portion between the Damansara Toll and the Subang Toll along the NKVE (North Klang Valley Expressway). Previously that stretch of highway was at most 4 lanes at certain parts but the majority of the road would be 3 lanes. You would think that by widening that stretch to 5 lanes it would ease congestion. Think again, thanks to idiots who can’t make up their mind which lane to stick to and of course the brainless idiot who then hogs the middle and third lanes, that stretch is still as congested as ever. Guess what? The very left lane is constantly empty!
I guess it is the perception of the stigma that the left most lane is the slow lane. Nobody wants to be called slow, seriously, it is an ego thing. Who wouldn’t be furious if they were called slow in class or God forbid, a slow learner?
Anyhow, stop hogging the damn middle lanes. If that is the one thing you can remember from the video, just remember not to hog the middle lanes as well as the fast lane.
Other posts by Mark Leo