🎥 #BlackFriday for @krismeeke and @paulnagle1. Watch them rolling in #RallyArgentina SS4… #WRC pic.twitter.com/Hm4NJjb86b
— Citroën Racing (@CitroenRacing) 28 April 2017
On Friday, the Citroen rally team had a dilemma, the car which was used suffered an accident. Basically, it rolled a couple of times and by looking at the damage, one would think that you would need to write off the car.
From a friend facebook, @krismeeke @CitroenRacing C3 WRC @OfficialWRC @rallyargentina 🙁 pic.twitter.com/rgSukfLwTq
— eWRC-results (@eWRCresults) 29 April 2017
If it were me, I would have probably thrown in the towel and say to the boys, “let’s go grab a beer”. Instead, the crew at the Citroen racing team has a can-do attitude and spirit and within 3 hours, they made the car worthy again to compete the following day. Check out the time lapse the Citroen team put together below.
Somehow watching that video seems to be quite therapeutic.
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