Elon Musk shared on Twitter a short clip of the first release candidate of the upcoming Tesla Model 3. He explained in terms of where the Model 3 and Model S fits in the automotive world by saying that the Model 3 would compete with the likes of the BMW 3-series and the Audi A4.
First drive of a release candidate version of Model 3 pic.twitter.com/zcs6j1YRa4
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 24, 2017
The 6-second video shows the Model 3 accelerating and quickly slowing down in what seems to be a carpark in the late evening. Whilst we can’t gain much data from that short clip, it does have the trademarks of a quick electric engine acceleration.
The Model 3 will be a smaller and more affordable Tesla compared to the Model S.
If you wanted to know why it was named the Model 3 and not Model E, Elon has this to say.
Model 3 was going to be called Model E, for obvious dumb humor reasons, but Ford sued to block it, so now it is S3X. Totally different 🙂
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 24, 2017
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