Motorsports, News

Mercedes A-Class Set for BTCC

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WIX Racing based in the UK has just revealed their livery for the Mercedes A-Class. It is exciting as we see the Mercedes A-Class being used in motorsports and starting out at the BTCC. If you ever wondered how race cars are wrapped, check out the video below.

‘All here at WIX are delighted with the look of the New WIX Racing Mercedes and we are very excited about the 2014 season ahead’ Wayne Stevens – Managing Director. ‘This year is set to be the most competitive and exciting season ever, with a full grid and so many champions, not forgetting the current one. Being involved with the BTCC as a title sponsor has been fantastic for WIX. It has really supported and elevated the positioning of our brand across many segments of the market and also to the general public and avid fans of the sport. In my opinion, it’s clear to me that it’s the most exciting and engaging motorsport platform to be involved in, with the most passionate of fans of all ages. It truly makes for a great weekend and also a fantastic live TV spectacle. We hope to be involved for a while and work in close partnership with Ciceley Motorsport and our supporting sponsor’s longer term, especially with the new exciting Mercedes A-Class.’

Mercedes A Class WIX Racing

Russell Morgan comments “The commercial value of a title sponsor can never be underestimated. The WIX Racing team have already demonstrated what they are able to achieve in BTCC, with regards to working with the driver and the team to raise both the profiles. They are as passionate interacting with all of the team and especially the fans of the team with giveaways and competitions, with lots to come on race weekends. Their technical expertise is just as important to the team as their financial assistance and this has clearly been reflected in the design of the car. I am extremely pleased with the look of the show car and the overall partnerships we are enjoying this year with WIX and all the supporting partnerships. I am looking forward to having the race car design implemented, ready for the first round at the end of March. We are really excited about the 2014 season ahead with WIX Racing in our New Mercedes A-Class’.

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The ‘stand out’ design not only flows throughout the BTCC and show car, but has also been reflected in the new WIX Racing merchandise designed with Dread and is available to pre-order online via the newly designed WIX Racing website If you want to see how Finch Signs wrapped the WIX Racing Mercedes from start to finish, click on the link provided. Look out for pictures and more from our maiden test day coming hopefully next week.

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