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Code brown: Porsche 997 GT3 driver skillfully saves car from crashing [+video]


More than often, racing in the wet has been proven to be extremely entertaining for viewers, less so for drivers, as evident from this near miss.


The video was recorded on an unspecific race track in the wet. The rear end of the Porsche 997 GT3 evidently went wide, though the driver’s quick response did prevent the expensive Porsche from grazing the barriers.


Sharp eyed viewers may have noticed the Porsche’s ESC indicator blinking furiously as the car spun, indicating that the presence of ESC cannot save the car in such situations. Some commentors on the video did mention that the Porsche was rocking cup tires in the wet, which could have caused the Porsche to lose traction.

Needless to say, that incident meant that driving was concluded for that day.

Catch the action below!

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