News, The Lighter Side

Dubai to ban poor people from car ownership to ease traffic


In some ways, Dubai is the epicenter for super cars and luxury vehicles. It is perhaps the only city in the world with the highest super car ownership per capita. However, the city of Dubai has a similar problem with other developed cities – traffic congestion. Now, the official thinks of a plan to ease traffic congestion, one of them is to consider banning the poor from owning cars.

According to Hussain Lootah, Director General of Dubai Municipality “a salary limit scheme that would restrict car ownership to those earning above a certain monthly income” is considered. No thanks to Dubai’s rapid rise in wealth was caused clogging of the emirate’s roads with cars and dramatically increasing rush-hour traffic. “Everybody has their luxury life, but the capacity of our roads cannot take all of these cars without ownership laws,” he added.

Also in the plan including “sane” ideas like an increase in parking fees, fuel prices, toll road fees and insurance rates to further limit car ownership. However, the authorities are looking to encourage the usage of public transport system via a new soon-to-be-launched tram system.

Perhaps rather imposing a ban on the poor from owning cars, why not try the solution as tried –and-tested in South East Asia – heavy taxation of cars?

[Source: Autoblog]

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