CSR, News

ETCM launches 2016 Nissan Safety Campaign at Legoland

Pic 2_Christopher Tan, Casper Bonavent

Edaran Tan Chong Motor has launched the 2016 Edition of its ever popular Nissan Safety Campaign at Legoland Malaysia Resort. This campaign is launched with the objective of engaging Nissan customers in raising safety awareness and to enhance essential road safety skills and knowledge for both adults and children.

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With the Launch of Nissan Safety Campaign, this year edition continues with two of its much sought after modules, Kids Safety Carnival ‘My First Safety Programme with Nissan’ and Safety Driving Experience.

Mr Christopher Tan, Sales and Marketing Director said, “We have received overwhelming response and continuous support from our valued customers in our past campaigns, and ETCM is delighted to continue to hold the Nissan Safety Campaign for another year and so reinforce our relationships with our customers; creating a sense of belonging to our Nissan family. The safety of our customers and their families are very important to us, and with the increase number of road mishaps involving children, it is important that safety skills are well communicated through a fun and interactive way to encourage learning. After all, our younger generation is literally driving the future.

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ETCM is collaborating with Legoland Malaysia Resort as its corporate partner in today’s launch of the 2016 Nissan Safety Campaign and with the event being held in the popular resort, it has the making of fun and enjoyable for the selected participants.

This partnership has been a great success since we started three years ago! Together with ECTM, we believe in the need to teach children, the future drivers about road safety skills. The best way to teach them is by hands on learning, through fun and interactive ways – something that Legoland Malaysia Resort prides itself on doing through our various educational programmes in the Resort. ECTM found the best fit with us in teaching children to be safe on the roads through our Driving Schools,” added Mr Casper Bonavent, Director of Operations, Legoland Malaysia Resort.

Pic 1_Group Photo Nissan Safety Campaign 2016 @ Legoland

The Kids Safety Carnival aims to provide valuable tips and advice on road safety. It focuses on educating both parents and children about road safety awareness by teaching traffic rules, to respect and obey them, and also to observe the traffic around them to avoid accidents as well as being safe in and out of the car.  Exclusively for this year, parents are engaged in their kids’ learning by participating together in the modules.

Pic 5_Activity_Nissan Driving School

The workshop also offers a hands-on wheels session at the Nissan Legoland Driving School where children were given the opportunity to drive in a true-to-life traffic circuit where they have to steer pass several road signages, traffic lights and other drivers, in order to qualify for their very own personalised Nissan Legoland Driving School’s license.

ETCM intends to bring the Kids Safety Carnival to Nissan customers throughout Malaysia, followed by the Safety Driving Programme. The venues for each of the workshops have been tentatively set up as follows:


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